Sunday 6 January 2013

Won't mind to get freakin mess...

Burger super duper damnlicious... like seriulsy MR.SR home made taken from someone really can beat MAI STREET TTDI burger bakar man... but MR.SR burger not bakar at all...its just nice at the top on a pan and just make it juicy and not really well done nor medium rare...but just freakin awesome and nicesssssss...the ingredients that super duper not temptation looking burger are yellow onion rounded chop, cheese in and out patty, black pepper sauce, minced black paper, salt, minced beef, mayo, chili paper sauce and a nice fluffy burger bun..owh my i just really cant take it delicious man...even its only a burger...but MR.SR did it well ...the melting the juicy and the well done mixture..huaaaaaa until i said "i wont mind to get messed for this kind of burger". Hope so MR.SR can make it rapidly hihihihihi... tanx for it it much... ;p <3


ieza ashaari said...

dh boleh komen plak.. :P

Sya Aimi Khalid said...

da awak tegur...saya buka la ruang nak tegur menegur..kita bukan malaikat tapi kita ni manusia...ambil yang jernih buang yang keruh...amin...