Monday 3 October 2011

Tony Roma's

         1 Oktober 2011..tarikh ape org ckp ala...ok la..tarikh ni bermula pada 1 oktober 2004 di sekolah saas (SMK SULTAN ABDUL SHAH KAJANG) i was form 4 taking accounting major...i met this guy in this year who i hate the most..because he is a prefect in school and yet he is a famous guy in school (tak leh bla kan)..seriously all gurl was madly hoping that this "prefect" will tegur him and adopt her as a pet sister (biasala zaman sekolah adik angkat la kakak angkat la abang angkat la...makcik angkat tak nk plak...haha) ok then the story go like this...satu klas n i always gado n cari pasal ng dia ni n ill deny what he will said...and gado until balik sekolah...dulu i was in hostel but because some excuses.....tak maw ddk hostel lagi.... (MERAJUK!-hahahaha)..ok hari demi hari silih berganti...we become close hatred fwen..haha boleh pulak assume je kami masih bergado but yet close...hehe.. ktorg lepak ramai2 ng kawan2 skolah...lepak buat asignment...lepak lepas ko-ko kat skolah, chatting..(zaman IT menular dunia kami..hehe^^) then mmg rapat la...some of my ideas he like it...some of his ideas i loved it...(acewah...) serious...i was sgt teruja ng dia ni bila dia edit gmbr dia...OMG..sgt suka okeh..zaman2 dulu MANE LA RETI GUNA ADOBE PHOTOSHOP...hahahaa...dia ni pandai sbb kakak dia belaja kat dia terer la...IM IMPRESS...time tuh da cam cling2 gituh..hehehe..then tgk dia ni pandai melukis...i loved man who an artis...wah...impress lagi..hehehe...pastuh dia ni pemain RUBGY gurls...hahahaha....impress berbunga2..hahaha...but smua tuh tak penting yg penting ni...DIA SAYANGKAN RELATIONSHIP BONDING BETWEEN FWEN..i mean sesape je kawan ng dia...dia akan love them even laki o gurls..thats good about him..but once u mess thing up..ko silap..he is not one kind of that person...ape saje dia nak bantu dia akan bantu..even dia cuba 2 bantu..for me dia ader hati yg ikhlas n dia tak akan JUDGE BAD THINGS about other...okeh....mmg dia akan hanya berada di dunia dia sendiri...macam DONT MESS WITH me gituh..haha...okeh...enough about one time our fwen asked me if i rally like him..biasala takkan satu klas sembang gelak sakat nyakat dalam klas tak de rs suka sikit kan..hehehe....then i said ti my fwen ni la.."suka as a fwen je la..naper?...then my fewn ni gelak je-sbnrnyer tak ingat..." then at one evening after lunch...i take a nap(biasala penat) i received a fone call...(time tuh ader handpone kawan2..hahaha) from NAQIB....hahaha...pelik gak asal dia nk call me in the middle of evening....tak traning ke budak ni..oklah...i pick up the fone sambil :

Sya: ha nak aper?
Naqib: Jom chatting!
Sya: aku tengah tido la...ko ni kan (tgh tido boleh ckp???? o.0)
Naqib: ala kejap je....
Sya: malas la...da la aku nk tido balik...bye....
Naqib: bye.....

Then aku terus bangun n tak pikir aper...trus on pc ...ask my dad permission to main tenet (got rules to main pc okeh!)...time tuh terpikir gak nape suddenly aku bangun n dgr dia ckp...adeyh...aku online..aku tgk ade je kawan2 aku yg lain on9 kenaper pulak la dia ni...then trus chatting cam org tak pena jumpa PC + one moment aku saje je ceta kat dia yg one of our fwen asked me whether i like him o not...then i tot benda yg kecik jadi besar..he rapidly asking me what my answer..aku cam ko da kenape? then ng sopan santun aku reply... "SUKA SEBAGAI UMAT ISLAM LA.....hapedaaaaa...!!!!" hahaha...mmg time tuh blusher pon kalah...then i asked him bck...he deny to answer it..tapi dgn kuasa pujuk (perasan!!! mane de sbnrnyer) aku force him 2 answer exam plak..hehee....he replied ...." Aku Suka Kat Ko......!!!!!" then i was like..tipu la ko....hahaha...dia ckp tak caya suda...hahaha....malu2...sumpah malu!!!!then aku ckp la jugak...aku pon ske kat ko tapi aku takut ko tak sudi dgn org cam aku...dia ckp dia da lamer suka kat aku cme dia takut tepuk sblah tangan so dia ckp let him keep it to nape tak ckp awal2...bahahahahaha...(gatal!)...then esok g klas like nuting happen...tgk dia cam biasa2 je..hahaha..padahal dalam hati buk bak buk bak..hahahaha...

Tepat pada
Tarikh : 1 10 2004
Masa : recess hour sekolah
Tempat : Depan KHB sekolah.......

He declare me as his Girlfrend......hua...sedey2..malu2...happy sgt2.....n sampai skrg his the only one....
TU LA ORG DA CKP JGN TAK SUKA ORG TUH KAN DA MELEKAT..!!!! on 1 10 2011 our 7years relationship much we have been trough....sgt perit..sgt happy..sgt smua la...yg sgt2....we spent time together by tuh purposely akan jadi byk tapi disebabkan kenyang teamat sgt..done it...tersadai dua org makhluk ini.......

To sayang Mohd Naqib Husni.....ill always love you till the very last of my breath and keep me to ur heart..ill never want to loose you till the end....i just dunno what to describe u as..n i am grateful and thankful to Allah that he give you to me like a guardian angel beside me always to pampering me and to love me as much as u you sayang...ill never find someone else..u r my CINTA MATI!
 Dia sgt sukakannya
 errmmmm....sedapnyer..lapa da....
 u green i blue....boleh?
 Kes tak cabar nk amamamamamama..!!
 Saya hanya mampu stater plate jer...^^
 See the tarikh????
Hehehe..ini la cinta mati saya..dia suka sgt makan ribs...meat and seangkatan dgnyer...dan kemudian u sayang...musyuk...