Tuesday 23 July 2013

Blues Army 2013

Last weekends with them was so super new whole exciting experience...seriously i never had a football fav team evah in my entire life..i never watch it or passionately about football...but well SR eventually ask me to come and watch it with him...so i did...OMG...the crowd the spirit and MBA (Malaysian Blue Army) was whole lot of excitement..never had this kind of feeling when with them..even thought i didnt know the chanting or what ever it called...IT WAS FUN!!!!

Saturday 23 March 2013

Dian Rainbow

Dian pelangi nowadays ramai yang cakap-cakap pasal dia ni..what I have known she a super duper unique designer sbb dia ni la yg start balik using all the tie-dye concept...sebenarnye banyak lagi..like batik and others...but past few years ago...aku punya la excited to buat tie-dye...youtube cari mmg lah susah..but end-up dapat jugak cari how to used and make tie-dye... benda ni da jadi minat aku dari dulu lagi..for those who knows tu bagus la....and guess what the thing i wanted to do menjadi and sangat berhasil and i give it to SR..dia suka butt...SR punya cutting badan tinngi lampai n kurus..kalu nak buat baju tok dia kene lah tempah..senang ceta dia punya size ni size omputih gituh uolls..hihi...and ini la hasilnyer...
Bebalik ceta Dian tadi..masa 1st time baca blog dia sangat teruja ng hasil tangan dia...and last year jugak dia bukak shop dia kat Bangsar...super excited weyh..tapi tiap kali nak pergi konpem la tutup..sebab dia tutup on weekdays...ni blog dia.. http://dianrainbow.blogspot.com/.....kalu FB pulak http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dian-Pelangi/116263088413578...plus sebab dia jugak aku terjebak beli makeup Wardah...to be honest aku suka giler lipstick dia..why not u guys try it out...pasti berbaloi2...and plus harga dia super cheap...student like us mmg sesuai sgt la...http://www.wardahbeauty.com/id

Monday 18 March 2013

Nurfarhan Rusli

-00- Dia slalu sgt skrg ni anta BBM mcm ni...katernye ni edung nur......hihi...Nur farhan rusli atau dikenali sebagai Nour...hahaha...dia ni kecik je tapi kalu jerit agak bingit la telinga ni...dia macam baby sister aku la...walaupun aku ade adik yg sibuk bkerja dia siang mahupun malam hari kekekadang tuh terubat rindu bila jumpa si kecik Nour ni...dia ni anak bongsu kepada kek na, dd, along and shazwan...sweetest daughter to papa and mama NOUR or ADIK...manja kepoh annoying adorable and sometime a shoulder u can cry on and an ears to bebel too...i knew nour since i met SR...nour ni dia ade bf and bf dia CHE mohAd hafiz...dia suka jerit2 nama chan kuat-kuat....owh chan tuh bf dia la...smpai kadang2 aku pun boleh taw bila masa nour ni nak jerit nama chan...dowang dua ni bagaikan doll yg comel rase nak sepak2 sepak2 terajang2 je...honestly both are adorable sbb aku kadang2 suka gak kacau chan ni...kacau yg u wont expected pun..hahahaha...sumpah geram ng dua ekor ni...."dua EKOR" ekor ni nour suka sama kan ng orang... [ekor = orang] kalu panggil seorang = seekor....haaaa pelikkan...tak caya bolom jumpa dia lagi...and most of the word yg saya guna hari ni smua nour punya ayat...sbb TITLE pun nama hang kan nour..owh yes nour ni blah penang...so dia suka la pakai ayat2 penang mai la...yeahh brahh...nk diikutkan dia ni too many to describe...konon2 nye kalu org tak kenal dia...dia slalu sangat bagi nama dia FATIMAH!!! oh my...nour nour...dulu masa jumpa dia...pemalu sangat tahap cipan...macam aku ni boyfriend dia...bila da lama2 kenai..mak haih...buruknyer perangai kau ni nour!!! aku lagi buruk kut....hahahaha for me having a frieng like u make my life complete to bebel on and to cry on...kau ni pendek ceta (memang pendek dan kecik sama cam chan) i love havin u in my life nour....nnt la ceta lagi pasal kau budak...kang aku tak siap keje aku melayan ceta kau seekor...for me u r like an adik a friend a "girlllfrrieennnddd" to cerita too... love u muax...
see kepoh kan..."sya sya nk pinjam spek nak jadi cam sya gak" ang perli aku kan...hahahaha

Sunday 6 January 2013

Won't mind to get freakin mess...

Burger super duper damnlicious... like seriulsy MR.SR home made taken from someone really can beat MAI STREET TTDI https://twitter.com/MaiStreetCafe burger bakar man... but MR.SR burger not bakar at all...its just nice at the top on a pan and just make it juicy and not really well done nor medium rare...but just freakin awesome and nicesssssss...the ingredients that super duper not temptation looking burger are yellow onion rounded chop, cheese in and out patty, black pepper sauce, minced black paper, salt, minced beef, mayo, chili paper sauce and a nice fluffy burger bun..owh my i just really cant take it anymore...so delicious man...even its only a burger...but MR.SR did it well ...the melting the juicy and the well done mixture..huaaaaaa until i said "i wont mind to get messed for this kind of burger". Hope so MR.SR can make it rapidly hihihihihi... tanx for it MR.SR..love it much... ;p <3