Wednesday 16 November 2011

Cala Qisya man!!!!

         iM so damn happy coz i just bought  CALA kimono wrap that i want...wah yang besh nyer dapat kaler rare okeh...!!!slalunyer mesti akan dapat kaler pastel...yang "weird" tuh bagi je kat aku..hahaha...kan lately cala ader buat MALAYSIAN ONLINE FASHION ENTREPRENUERS' WEEKEND 2011 (MOFEW 2011)
kat mid valley..apa duk tungu lagi cheq....kami pon p la..sambil mengtext suhaida bakar..heheeh..
sbb mmg taw dia akan free ituh hari..haha..then sampai saner dalam kul 4 la..parking and all
jumpa sue betul2 depan entrance...
mula2 tuh teragak2 gak nk cari booth cala...tapi wa relek jerh..hahaha..then smpi kat cala wa usha2 skali ader beg envolape plak...adeyh niat nk bli kimono jerh...susah ni!!!! @@"...dua2 yang nk bli ada kat cala pulak...ok2 rilek sya...dengan adernyer SUE yang menemani saya..saya pon ty pendapatan...
it take me a few minutes and 5 times pusing at the exhibition tuh smpi ader sowang ABG ni tegur..hai da pusing 5 kali tak nk tgk brg diake? ..hahaha...sory bang mmg niat nk g cala je..huhu..bkn sebab fanatik ok..tapi sbb their own design okeh..!!! Total ku abis below RM 100...sgt2 puas hati..makan sambil gossiping with sue...really man...the kimono was superb!!! ble buat kebaya woi..hehe..

to Cala Qisya....

I am so happy that you open your booth at mid valley caused when i opened your website
a week after you upload ur new product that mostly OUT OF STOCK..and when i saw
the news regarding booth in MID i made up my mind to go there to meet you guys...ahhh im so happy...loved u cala!!!
 With the Farah's
 Laksa for brunch!!hehe
 The envelope bag behind there...
Yes!!! CALA QISYA!!!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Baby sister GRADUATION day!!

             On 24/10/11 my baby sister graduation day..she was so happy sampai suruh smua family members to but her flower...mak hai budak tecik ni manyak happy for her..sbb dia nmpk excited sgt..huhu..ade jgak i asked her nk amik tak gmbr pre-grad gmbr dia senyap aku pon mek dunno la kan...then smpi pada hari nyer...aku punya la kelam kabut sbb pagi tuh ader klas..tak taw nk bli bunga kat mana???

Yg bestnyer UiTM ni kan konvo dia ader byk session...smpi time my sister kene plak kene time kul 4-7 petang..mak nyer...disebabkan Cik Halimatul Aimi  tak bagi g shah alam..aku pon ape lagi trus menuju ke Meja makan pada mlm tuh la..huhuhu...buffet je...ok la the food so nice smpi taco dia rase sabun..hahaha...betul trust on me...hehehe...

Mula-mula i was the one who arrived 1st...nk buat aper sowang-sowang kat table makan ni..the waiter asked me " NK TGG YG LAIN KER? KER U NK START DULU?"....terpinga-pinga la jugak..then aku pon trus angguk aku strt dulu makan..hehehe...1stly biasa la kan stater...soup of da' day...hehehe...asparagus soup with roti...lepas makan sowang2...pandang kiri kanan dgn org tak de nyer...trs rase bosan teramat...kol mama n ayah...dowang baru kat puchong...kol atul...shes stuck in da jam...mak lagi la jawaban wait until i wait...i saw KETAM!!!! fav!!!...rase2....masin pulak ko ni!!! turn off sikit da...

Then angah tiba...yea...ader org teman..then tiba2 ader minah kabut2 ng bawak paper bag hijau meluru kat aku...rpnyer..adik aku yg da lapa giler..hahhahahaha...apada!!! tak lari makanan tuh..hehehe...then the rest of the day makan2 satu family less boboy yg jauh di time goin to be urs la boy...baru gempak satu family tgk konvo kat OZ..heheheehe...^^....

Some pix that i want to share : 
 Proud parents!!!
 Dont ask me!
 Peng peng said baby...!!!
 Ye ye yg ni timah!!
 Presenting sister in law..!!!!
 From sisters!
 Less Ahmad Azmi!!! :(
 Interprame jap..hehe ^________^
 PEOPLE......angah pay the bills uolssss...!!!!
 Us again...less boboy a.k.a Azmi!
 Tiut je..hehe
 We are soory 4 the inconvenience...thheeee...
 Y M c A....trying to do..tapiii......
 Gegar la plak...tiut je...
 3 stooges!!!
 I fuuhhh u...u fuuhh back...
 Me: bahahahaha... baby: he he
 ayah got baby???!!!!
 Not us statue tuh....
 me = masculine baby = pwennsess
Along tried to make fun of us.....ktorg..."BORING ZZZZzzzzz..."

Ini la dia org yg my baby sister congrats on ur graduation...bachelor gituh...akk ko pon blom lagi taw tak????? skunk ni keje ko ialah kene cari keje gaji gempak2 dgn umur yg muda lagi bergetah tuh ok..belanja sasa byk okeh....beg LV pon boleh...muahahahahahaha....hehehe

Monday 3 October 2011

Tony Roma's

         1 Oktober 2011..tarikh ape org ckp ala...ok la..tarikh ni bermula pada 1 oktober 2004 di sekolah saas (SMK SULTAN ABDUL SHAH KAJANG) i was form 4 taking accounting major...i met this guy in this year who i hate the most..because he is a prefect in school and yet he is a famous guy in school (tak leh bla kan)..seriously all gurl was madly hoping that this "prefect" will tegur him and adopt her as a pet sister (biasala zaman sekolah adik angkat la kakak angkat la abang angkat la...makcik angkat tak nk plak...haha) ok then the story go like this...satu klas n i always gado n cari pasal ng dia ni n ill deny what he will said...and gado until balik sekolah...dulu i was in hostel but because some excuses.....tak maw ddk hostel lagi.... (MERAJUK!-hahahaha)..ok hari demi hari silih berganti...we become close hatred fwen..haha boleh pulak assume je kami masih bergado but yet close...hehe.. ktorg lepak ramai2 ng kawan2 skolah...lepak buat asignment...lepak lepas ko-ko kat skolah, chatting..(zaman IT menular dunia kami..hehe^^) then mmg rapat la...some of my ideas he like it...some of his ideas i loved it...(acewah...) serious...i was sgt teruja ng dia ni bila dia edit gmbr dia...OMG..sgt suka okeh..zaman2 dulu MANE LA RETI GUNA ADOBE PHOTOSHOP...hahahaa...dia ni pandai sbb kakak dia belaja kat dia terer la...IM IMPRESS...time tuh da cam cling2 gituh..hehehe..then tgk dia ni pandai melukis...i loved man who an artis...wah...impress lagi..hehehe...pastuh dia ni pemain RUBGY gurls...hahahaha....impress berbunga2..hahaha...but smua tuh tak penting yg penting ni...DIA SAYANGKAN RELATIONSHIP BONDING BETWEEN FWEN..i mean sesape je kawan ng dia...dia akan love them even laki o gurls..thats good about him..but once u mess thing up..ko silap..he is not one kind of that person...ape saje dia nak bantu dia akan bantu..even dia cuba 2 bantu..for me dia ader hati yg ikhlas n dia tak akan JUDGE BAD THINGS about other...okeh....mmg dia akan hanya berada di dunia dia sendiri...macam DONT MESS WITH me gituh..haha...okeh...enough about one time our fwen asked me if i rally like him..biasala takkan satu klas sembang gelak sakat nyakat dalam klas tak de rs suka sikit kan..hehehe....then i said ti my fwen ni la.."suka as a fwen je la..naper?...then my fewn ni gelak je-sbnrnyer tak ingat..." then at one evening after lunch...i take a nap(biasala penat) i received a fone call...(time tuh ader handpone kawan2..hahaha) from NAQIB....hahaha...pelik gak asal dia nk call me in the middle of evening....tak traning ke budak ni..oklah...i pick up the fone sambil :

Sya: ha nak aper?
Naqib: Jom chatting!
Sya: aku tengah tido la...ko ni kan (tgh tido boleh ckp???? o.0)
Naqib: ala kejap je....
Sya: malas la...da la aku nk tido balik...bye....
Naqib: bye.....

Then aku terus bangun n tak pikir aper...trus on pc ...ask my dad permission to main tenet (got rules to main pc okeh!)...time tuh terpikir gak nape suddenly aku bangun n dgr dia ckp...adeyh...aku online..aku tgk ade je kawan2 aku yg lain on9 kenaper pulak la dia ni...then trus chatting cam org tak pena jumpa PC + one moment aku saje je ceta kat dia yg one of our fwen asked me whether i like him o not...then i tot benda yg kecik jadi besar..he rapidly asking me what my answer..aku cam ko da kenape? then ng sopan santun aku reply... "SUKA SEBAGAI UMAT ISLAM LA.....hapedaaaaa...!!!!" hahaha...mmg time tuh blusher pon kalah...then i asked him bck...he deny to answer it..tapi dgn kuasa pujuk (perasan!!! mane de sbnrnyer) aku force him 2 answer exam plak..hehee....he replied ...." Aku Suka Kat Ko......!!!!!" then i was like..tipu la ko....hahaha...dia ckp tak caya suda...hahaha....malu2...sumpah malu!!!!then aku ckp la jugak...aku pon ske kat ko tapi aku takut ko tak sudi dgn org cam aku...dia ckp dia da lamer suka kat aku cme dia takut tepuk sblah tangan so dia ckp let him keep it to nape tak ckp awal2...bahahahahaha...(gatal!)...then esok g klas like nuting happen...tgk dia cam biasa2 je..hahaha..padahal dalam hati buk bak buk bak..hahahaha...

Tepat pada
Tarikh : 1 10 2004
Masa : recess hour sekolah
Tempat : Depan KHB sekolah.......

He declare me as his Girlfrend......hua...sedey2..malu2...happy sgt2.....n sampai skrg his the only one....
TU LA ORG DA CKP JGN TAK SUKA ORG TUH KAN DA MELEKAT..!!!! on 1 10 2011 our 7years relationship much we have been trough....sgt perit..sgt happy..sgt smua la...yg sgt2....we spent time together by tuh purposely akan jadi byk tapi disebabkan kenyang teamat sgt..done it...tersadai dua org makhluk ini.......

To sayang Mohd Naqib Husni.....ill always love you till the very last of my breath and keep me to ur heart..ill never want to loose you till the end....i just dunno what to describe u as..n i am grateful and thankful to Allah that he give you to me like a guardian angel beside me always to pampering me and to love me as much as u you sayang...ill never find someone else..u r my CINTA MATI!
 Dia sgt sukakannya
 errmmmm....sedapnyer..lapa da....
 u green i blue....boleh?
 Kes tak cabar nk amamamamamama..!!
 Saya hanya mampu stater plate jer...^^
 See the tarikh????
Hehehe..ini la cinta mati saya..dia suka sgt makan ribs...meat and seangkatan dgnyer...dan kemudian u sayang...musyuk...

Thursday 29 September 2011

Moving on by doing this!!

Ok meaning of moving on is about MY STRESS...yup the disaster word stress...sumpah this month aku stress giler..u know what too much everyting on me pon tak leh a student yg final year ni mmg miserable sikit.. even i rarely msg o even call him...that y i miss him badly the same time stress...the single word with s...OMD....sungguh pressure...bahahaha...tgk da tak taw nk tulis entry aper.oekh la as i ware stressing up my head..tetiba nk ajak to gurlfie to go out and MOVING on..hahaha...sajer jer kan...then this happend..heh...
Sedey je hidup cam ni..hahaha           

This is what happen...ade video but the things is.................................................................................tak pe la..hahahaha

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Siti Khadijah vs. WM

owh yes...this is uolls...hehe^^ new fwen..

This dja (siti khadijah...she from OZ uolls...hehe...ckp cikit mate!)
 Hehehe...tershowingoff plak^^
 Shes trying to say the camera..up above...
 Hair yarn me...^^
 Alahai sopan je ko yer..huhu..^^
 Godzilla in d'sara!!!!
 Ehem...i see you**
 St. Mary rules....heh
See the makcheness in her???!!!
Done outing with this girl..then on the 25th she went back n dunno when come goin to miss her gossipng n hangging around with her as she is my complementary sbb TINA mohamed tak reti nak balik kan..owh she is my BFF from primary school...yes...later ill write about her...lagi dja ni ni pix can tell a thousand words kan..hehehe...hua... alone again...